Foundations of Hope
“Men are God's method. While the church is looking for
better methods; God is looking for better men.” - E.M.Bounds
Hope Defined
Worldly - “a feeling that what is wanted will happen.”
Understood in this way, hope can denote either a baseless optimism or a vague
yearning after an unattainable good.
Biblical hope is the anticipation of a favorable outcome
under God’s guidance. More specifically, hope is the confidence that what God
has done for us in the past guarantees our participation in what God will do in
the future. - Holman Bible Dictionary.
Hope’s Paradox
Paradox = a statement or proposition that seems
self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
“Biblical faith grows
in the garden of adversity.” - Greg Laurie
Hope Revealed
“God will only give you what you would have asked for if you knew everything
he knows.”
- Tim Keller
Hope Personified
Hope Powered
Sermon by Pastor Dave