Monday, September 30, 2013

the consequences of Sin

the consequences of Sin 
                                                     Hell     Luke 16:19-31

Truth 1: Hell is real 

Truth 2: Hell is in everyone's future, even if you are alright tonight

Truth 3: Hell is eternal anguish!

·       Suffering- physical, mental, spiritual

·       Deep anguish - regrets, no hope, fear

·       Separation from God. 2 Thessalonians 1:9

Truth 4: Existence of hell (and heaven) demands a response.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The devastating effect of Sin

The devastating effect of Sin Colossians 1:19-23


Peace = shalom

Beautiful, expansive picture of completeness, harmony


Before salvation – no peace


Sin = destruction of shalom


Truth 1: Genesis 2-3

Prior to sin – shalom

Sin destroys shalom


Truth 2: Ecclesiastes 1-2

Nothing you pursue can “fix what is broken”


Truth 3:

Jesus came to restore shalom as God designed

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

the problem of Sin

the problem of Sin


Understanding Sin begins with who God is:

·       The Creator and Holy One 

·       Romans 1: 18-21

·       Genesis 1-2


Then we must understand who we are:

·       the created 

·       Romans1:21

·       Genesis 2-3


Punishment for sin is death Romans 1: 28-32 

note: the degree of evil is NOT the issue, the existence of rebellion is.

the standard is not comparison to others, but total submission to God.


Salvation from sin requires submission to the Creator through  

·       repentance – recognition of sin, turning

·       Lordship of Jesus

·       Romans 10:9-10


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fight the Lion - 2 Samuel 23:20-23

Ben - God Builds

Lion - Adversary, Adversity

Pit - Tough Circumstances

Snowy Ground - Slippery, no solid foundation

Fight the Lion
  • God connects the dots
  • You make your testimony fighting the lion
  • Every victory is valuable