Monday, January 27, 2014

What is a Spiritual Vision?

What is a spiritual vision?

Defined: a specific instruction from God that grows you in the image of Christ and advances His kingdom

Devotional Life:

Prayer “the Lord spoke to Joshua”

Bible Study “this Book of the Law”

Meditation “meditate on it day and night”

Practical tips

1.     Favorite place

2.     Set time

3.     Tools – bible, pen, pad or journal

4.     “vision” notes

5.     Prayer list

Devotional Methods:

Scripture Study:  personal study OR sermon/Lifegroup study follow up

Questions to ask:

            Is there an identity trait?

            Is there a promise to claim? 

            Is there a command/vision towards God’s purpose?

Scripture Study:  personal study OR sermon/Lifegroup study follow up

Using a devotional guide


ü  Write a lesson or series         

ü  Podcasts while walking, exercising (notes on phone, ipod)

What to do…

1.     “hello prayer” Psalm 119:18

2.     Record KEY words, ideas, thoughts from the scriptures

3.     Stop, Look, Listen

4.     Make notes on vision page when       needed

5.     Today’s “carry word”

What do you sense about your Devotional Life?


Monday, January 20, 2014

What Would You Do For God If You Knew You Couldn't Lose?

What is a spiritual vision? January 2014

Defined: a specific instruction from God that grows you in the image of Christ and advances His kingdom


5 characteristics:

1.     comes from God - "the Lord spoke to Joshua" & "This Book of the Law"

2.     grows you and advances His kingdom start with * identity * purpose

3.     specific - exact boundaries in verse 4

4.     process/journey

5.     clear sense of victory/success

What Would You Do For God if You Knew You Couldn’t Lose?

What Would You Do For God if You Knew You Couldn’t Lose?

Joshua 1 – January 2014


Do you have a vision for your spiritual life? growth areas, accomplishment, goals

God made us purposefully with a vision for our lives. Requires: devotional life; passion; goals; exercise; faith action.

Every Christian should have a vision for their spiritual lives because of ...

Our identity as God’s people

Gods promises to us

Gods purpose for us

Identity: the Lord YOUR God

100 for 100
Going – 60
Giving – 17
Serving – 78
Reaching – 14
Baptisms – 51

We will learn and exercise:
Devotional life
Giving life
Love list from missional life

Promises: abundance; victory; presence; success

Purpose: “to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you TO POSSESS.”

Do you have a vision for your spiritual life?