Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Personal Evangelism

One of the most significant issues facing the church at large today is the virtual loss of personal evangelism. How often do you see someone bring a friend down the aisle during the invitation? In most churches this is a rare event. Even in large or dynamic churches where it occurs, it is a small percentage of the church’s attendance. In fact, statisticians who study churches use an established “industry standard” for evangelism: a church is considered evangelistic if they have 1 baptism per 20 folks in attendance.

What has happened to our definition of Christianity when we have decided it is a positive fact that 20 followers of Jesus Christ are necessary to see 1 person baptized? It is even more astounding that the large majority of churches do not reach this standard. A major reason – the decline of personal evangelism.

In my experience in church life, I have observed common excuses used in an effort to justify the failure to share the gospel. “I will get questions I do not know how to answer.” “I have never been taught how.” My personal favorite: “I will mess it up.”

The Bible is filled with examples of people who passionately shared Jesus without fear, answers, teaching, or failure. Consider the woman Jesus met at a well in Samaria. She was so amazed at who He was that she immediately went and told others about Jesus. Certainly meeting Jesus – the King of King and Lord of Lords – should be enough to motivate us to share. Just consider for a moment what happened when you met Him.

No excuses ever entered her mind. She was not embarrassed to invite folks to meet Him despite her background of a very sinful life. She was not intimidated about her lack of spiritual training. She never worried about their questions. She just shared what she what Jesus told her. Why would we ever think to share anything BUT what Jesus said?

You cannot mess up sharing Jesus. No one can ever take away or question the validity of your testimony. You point them to Jesus and He takes over and does the work. Jesus saves, not us. In fact, after hearing Jesus Himself, they explained to her they believed in Him because of what He said. He makes it work.

And amazingly enough she led people to Christ in her wonderfully redeemed, broken, baby Christian condition. The Bible states clearly, “Many in that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman…” John 4:39. The passion from a real experience with Jesus is still the best form of evangelism training. Make it a point to do 2 things this week. First, spend some time in the presence of Jesus. Second, tell someone what Jesus has done in your life. Then see what Jesus does to your church.      

Monday, December 17, 2012

What will be the legacy of your church?

Here’s an article from On Mission Magazine, Winter 2013 that I’d like to share with you written by Johnny Hunt, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Ga. entitled, “What will be the legacy of your church?

“A few years ago the leadership of new Hope Church in Mableton, Ga., came to us looking for help. The once vibrant church was now struggling to grow beyond the 17 members that had stuck around through tough times. The church had a capacity to hold 250 people and 3.5 acres of land but no longer had the ability to reach its community.

The decisions New Hope had to make weren’t easy. Some of the people in the church had been baptized, discipled, married and raised their children in that church. No one wanted to see the church close its doors.

First Baptist Woodstock wanted to help. When they asked us to come alongside of them, we met with the 17 members and decided upon a complete makeover for the church. We brought in a new pastor and installed blended worship in the church. We began to tell the community about a brand new church plant that would be more culturally connected to it.

Today, six years later, Vinings Lake Church – what the church is now called – is running 600 most weekends. More important, the church is reaching its community. Young families in the community are coming to know Christ.

When those 17 people came to meet us at First Baptist Woodstock, they saw what they were doing as a part of their legacy. They gave us the land and great buildings. They joined with us in this journey. Now they’re seeing these great days of ministry with the resources they provided.

Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of buildings and land could become available in the near future for kingdom work. Many buildings around North America house evangelical churches that are facing the same challenges New Hope faced.

I am excited about what the North American Mission Board is doing in church revitalization through Send North American Church Growth and Revitalization Conferences. I’m glad to be a part of it because I’ve seen the difference revitalization can make in a church and community.

Maybe you’re facing the same uncertainty in your church. You might not be ready to close the doors, but you’re not growing and impacting your community like you want – and you dream of doing so. Regardless, the questions are the same. What will your church’s legacy be?

If you’re asking yourself this question, join me at a conference near you. Visit namb.net/revitalization.”

Learning to Worship Like the Angels

Learning to Worship Like the Angels
Luke 2:8-14
Revelation 5

Why do they worship? “good news” Gospel brings hope

What is the Good News at the heart of their worship?
God’s Covenant - City of David   Root of David

Sacrifice - Savior, Christ   Lamb slain

Universal - For all   Every tribe, tongue, nation

Restoration - Peace toward men   Redeemed us to God

How do they worship?
“glory,” “multitudes”
“tens of thousands,”   “new song,” “loud voice”

They worship this way because they live this way!

If God (Hebrews 2:14-18)
         does not give aid to angels
         made Jesus take on humanity, be tempted as us, and die to conquer death
And angels serve God…
THEN what character should we aspire to develop?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Revitalizing to reach North America

I wanted to share with you this article from Kevin Ezell, President, NAMB entitled "Revitalizing to reach North America", Winter 2013 issue.

"We have a big job ahead of us as Southern Baptists. Maybe this is hard to believe, but there are places in North America that have no evangelical presence. There are places where Southern Baptist work is so scarce as to be non-existent. Do you think it's possible to find someone in the United States or Canada who has never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ? This reality is more common than you think.

This task is big, but many of our churches are not prepared. The number of  churches that have plateaued or are declining in growth is around 70 percent. That tells us these churches probably are not having much of an impact on their communities.

We lost nearly 900 churches every year. You probably could name some in your community that have become statistics, and you may have seen it coming for a long time in your own church not knowing what to do.

I firmly believe there is something we can do to reverse these trends and to see fewer and fewer churches drift toward closing their doors. Just as Send North America is a strategy for linking existing churches with church planting efforts, it's also a strategy to help existing churches that are on the brink of death re-launch with new life.

Visit namb.net/revitalization to see how we are ramping up efforts through Send North America to help reduce the number of SBC churches that close their doors every year.

By partnerting with pastor Johnny Hunt and state convention leaders, we are creating a framework that helps Southern Baptist do what they do best - join together for kingdom expansion. If we're going to see God work through us in the unreached area of North America, we first need a majority of Southen Baptist churches that can carry out the work He has called us to do.

And I truly believe this is our opportunity to see that future ministry is built on a solid foundation of healty, growing, sending, giving and going churches."

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Character of a Messenger of God

The Character of a Messenger of God - Luke 1

Gabriel shows the character of a servant of God

Gabriel vs. Satan

“Man of God”
“Strength of God”
Relationship with God (Ezekiel 28:14-19; Isaiah 14:12-15; Matthew 4:1-9)
“I stand in the presence of God.”

Relationship with God
Stands against God – adversary

Approach to the Gospel
“I have been sent to bring you this good news”

Approach to the Gospel
Opposes the Gospel (e.g. Matt 13:18-23; 2 Cor. 4:1-6)

“And even if our Gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ,…” vv. 3-4

Relationship to people
“Do not be afraid”
Speaks truthfully, often with a sign of truth
God loves you and you have found His favor 
Points you to Jesus

Relationship to people
A murderer – Jn 8:44; Jn 10:10
Father of Lies – Jn 8:44 “he is a liar and the father of lies”
Hinders Christians – 1 Thess 2:17-20
To KEEP you FROM Jesus - 2 Cor 4:1-6

If God (Hebrews 2:14-18)
         does not give aid to angels
         made Jesus take on humanity, be tempted as us, and die to conquer death
         and Gabriel serves God,
THEN what character should we aspire to develop?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Who Are Angels

Who are angels? Luke 2:8-14 “angel of the Lord” The heavenly host

Why study angels?
         Universal fascination with angels – Christmas, the arts, spiritualism
         Angels = spirit world:  validates God as Creator, search for eternity
         Too many myths, untruths: Satan transforms to angel of light - 2 Cor. 11:12-15
         Their work surrounds us
         They validate the priority of Jesus’ redemptive work

Angels defined
         “An angel is a spiritual creature without a body created by God for the service of Christendom and the church.”  Martin Luther
         Term means “messenger”
         Created by God: Colossians 1:15-18; Hebrews 1:14
         Made before creation: Genesis 3
         Free will: Luke 10:18; Isaiah 14:12-15
         Good and evil- Rev. 12: 7-12;
         Spirit beings, but can manifest in different forms for our sake

Different types of angels
         Cherubim: guard the holiness of God
         Seraphim: serve in matters such as worship, purified Isaiah for service
         Four Living Creatures: Rev. 4 describes as unique
         Archangel: Michael –Jude 9; warrior and leader of warriors
         Heavenly hosts – unspecified angels

         We worship angels: Col. 2:18; Matt. 4:8-10; Rev. 19:10
         Personal, guardians angels
         We become angels when we die – We are the redeemed! Hebrews 1:14
         Angel ministry
         Worship God
         Further God’s plan of Redemption
         Serve the Redeemed

Friday, November 16, 2012

Multisite is Multiplying

Here’s an article from “Church Executive” magazine November 2012 issue that I want to share with you………….

Leadership network says there are now 5,000-plus multisite churches.

The number of congregations that host worship services at more than one physical location has grown to more than 5,000 in the last decade, according to a Leadership Network report.

Researchers say these “multisite” churches, which may share worshippers across town or many miles apart, are growing in a much larger pace than traditional megachurches.

Without the burden of additional expensive buildings, congregations find they grow faster in new places, says Warren Bird, research director of Leadership Network. Bird, the author of books on the multi-site trend, has tracked the number of churches meeting in more than one place for the Dallas-based church think tank; he combined his findings with Faith Communities Today surveys.

Multisite churches have grown from fewer than 200 in 2001 to 1,500 in 2006 to an estimated 3,000 in 2009 to more that 5,000 today. In comparison, U.S. megachurches have grown from about 50 in 1970 to about 1,650 in 2012 in North America.

Multisite comes in all kinds of models:  Some congregations speak different languages at different locations; some hear from different “campus pastors” onsite and others are preached to by a senior pastor who speaks live or via video. “The more campuses you have, the more likely you are to use video teaching,” says Bird. Sergio De La Mora, senior pastor of Cornerstone Church of San Diego, preaches five times every Sunday on its main campus in National City, CA – with on service in Spanish and another translated into Japanese. After morning services, he hops in his car and drives to the La Jolla campus for a 5 p.m. service before returning to National City for its last service at     6:30 p.m.

Meanwhile, videos of his 8:30 a.m. sermon are played in satellite campuses in Escondido, CA and across the border in Tijuana and Mexico City. A campus pastor runs the service at a location in Tucson, AZ.

At Community Christian Church in the Chicago area, Pastor Dave Ferguson has taken a different approach with its dozen sites. Each week he gathers in a room with a team of campus pastors to develop a “big idea” into a sermon. A video featuring one of them is created, but the pastors can choose whether to speak from the original manuscript, a version of it they edited or show the video.

In the end, the general message reaches about 10,000 people worshipping at sites that include a community center, a college theater, reported churches and offices parks.”

Article by Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service

Monday, November 12, 2012

100 for 100 "The Wisdom of Taking that Step"

The wisdom of taking that step - Proverbs 11:30

How is it wise?
It’s the only hope for the world
It’s the only thing that lasts for eternity

FBC opportunities
New York City & the United Nations
Naples, Fla
Bulgaria, Guatemala, Uruguay, Bangledesh, Haiti

How is it wise?
It makes YOU wise
It makes your children wise
It makes a wise, vibrant church

The wisdom of taking that step - Proverbs 11:30

How is it wise?
It’s the only hope for the world
It’s the only thing that lasts for eternity

FBC opportunities
New York City & the United Nations
Naples, Fla
Bulgaria, Guatemala, Uruguay, Bangledesh, Haiti

How is it wise?
It makes YOU wise
It makes your children wise
It makes a wise, vibrant church


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Understanding Baptism

Understanding baptism

Request for baptism

A natural response to the Gospel

“What hinders me?”

Requirements for baptism
         Water – “see here is water”
         Commitment to follow Jesus      – “I believe”

Results of baptism

Should you?
         if committed to Jesus, but have never – YES!
         If “on the wrong side of salvation” – yes
         If constant doubts of your salvation – maybe

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

100 for 100 - A Plan for Evangelism

A plan for evangelism
Matthew 28: 16-20

The Great Commission is:

         an urgent command
         a complete plan

Key words:
“all authority” – “with you always”
“go therefore”
“make disciples … observing”
“baptizing” – evangelism
“teaching” all commands

The struggles to effective evangelism:
the failure to develop healthy, growing spiritual life
         no hatred of sin or awe of hell
         no “Jesus inspired” passion  
         failure to understand our identity in Jesus

Materialism has destroyed vibrancy – greatest drain on people/financial resources

Pastoral/church leadership not casting gospel vision/orientation – no missions, no invitation/focus for calling people to Christ

Breakdown of the family – God’s bedrock strategy for evangelism

God’s plan is effective
Identity: who we are in Christ
Going: Jesus’ passion = our passion
Baptizing: our primary focus
Discipleship: produces vibrant, fruit bearing, spiritual lives

How we implement that strategy:
  1. prioritize around the Gospel first and foremost
  2. build healthy, vibrant spiritual lives
  3. establishing the family as our first strategy
  4. evangelistic events specifically designed for training and focus
  5. equipping and challenge to believers on personal evangelism

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

100 for 100

100 for 100

100 more in Lifegroups .....reaching

100 new servants ....serving

100 families committing to give $100 more per month .....gving

100 on first time mission trip .....going

How are we transformed?
  1. Set expectations
  2. Involve EVERYONE
  3. Engage the growth process
  4. Encouraging environment 
Set Expectations
Transformation to Jesus’ image

Involve EVERYONE in evaluation and transformative service.
Without EVERYONE, the entire Body breaks down

Growth Process
         Renewing your mind
         Serving as a faith step

Encouraging Environment
a cause AND a result of everyone’s transformation
Verses 9-16

How transformed are you?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spiritual Preparation for the November Elections

Spiritual Preparation for the November Elections - Romans 13

Principle 1
Governments are instituted by God.
 The role of government is protection of innocent citizens and judgment for wrongdoers.

Principle 2
Christians are commanded to submit to government as an instrument of God.
Voting constitutes biblical submission in our form of government.

Principle 3
Voting, as a commanded behavior, is a spiritual exercise – especially in areas of clear biblical mandates and our “salt & light” influence.

Bible: Life is formed at conception and every life is God ordained as precious.

Psalm 139
Ephesians 1 & 2
Proverbs 31: 8-9
(those who have no voice)

Republican Party Platform
Protect all life from conception and outlaw abortion.

Democratic Party Platform
Abortion on demand. Taxpayer support of abortion. Mandatory payment for “morning after pills” by all employer health care plans, including churches, Ouachita and Williams, ABSC.

Definition of Marriage
Bible: Marriage is defined as one man married to one woman for life.

Genesis 2
Romans 1
Ephesians 5

Republican Party Platform
Constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man to one woman.
Defense of DOMA.

Democratic Party Platform
Legalize gay marriage. Repeal of DOMA.

Biblical analysis of “social justice” approach to poverty.
Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution.

These policies aim to achieve what developmental economists refer to as more equality of opportunity than may currently exist in some societies, and to manufacture equality of outcome in cases where incidental inequalities appear in a procedurally just system.

Luke 4: 16-21
Isaiah’s messages were Messianic prophecies

“preach” “good news” = salvation
“poor” equally symbolic of life condition, not solely economic

Ministry to the poor, such as
         First Care
         Christmas Alliance
         A Woman’s Place
provides an effective opportunity to “preach the good news” and to reflect Christ’s love.

Relation between Church & State
Bible: Christians are mandated to evangelize, model biblical behavior as “salt & light”,            and be involved in government.

Matt 28: 16-20
Matt 6-8
Romans 1

Republican Party Platform
Protect First Amendment rights of people of faith.

Democratic Party Platform
Removal of God references/speech from public discourse as a “private” matter; require tax payer money to support behavior prohibited by clear biblical teaching; and use government to “secularize” society through legalizing personal morality decisions such as marijuana/drug use, abortion, and homosexual marriage.

We must…
    1. Vote biblically
    2. Pray for the election of leaders with the most biblical policies
    3. 40 Days of Prayer – FB daily prayer emphasis

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Call to Action

Sermon by Nathan Wagnon.................

A Call to Action                       Matthew 28:19 

Some Grammar . . .
Attendant Circumstance Participle
A participle used to communicate the action of a finite verb.  Its mood is determined by the verb it modifies.

Some OT Examples . . .
Gen 27:13 – His mother said to him, “My son, let the curse fall on me. Just do what I say; go and get them for me.”

Gen 37:14 – So he said to him, “Go and see if all is well with your brothers and with the flocks, and bring word back to me.”

Some Examples from Matthew . . .
Matt 2:13 – When they had gone, an angel of the LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”

Matt 9:13 – But go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice (Hos 6:6).” For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

Matt 28:7 – Then go quickly and tell his disciples: “He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.”

Matt 28:19 – Therefore go and join a social club . . .

Matt 28:19 – Therefore go and do just enough to keep the status quo so you can feel good about your religious obligation . . .

Matt 28:19 – Therefore go and make disciples . . .


Causes of Inaction                                Mark 4:19
  1. Feeling ill-equipped / not good enough (worries of this life).
  2. No time / consumed with work (deceitfulness of wealth).
  3. Priorities are out of order (desire for other things).

Action Steps
  1. Get into community (Ecc 4:12).
  2. Stay accountable (Prov 27:17).
  3. Always have someone upstream / downstream (Matt 28:19-20).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Spiritual Challenge

Today I have been studying - 2 different things. First, I started the morning working some more on my sermon for Sunday. It is important because we will be explaining 100 for 100 and brithing an exciting new plan for FBC. Then I spent the morning working on a new communications plan for church. I am trying to elarn more about using social media more efectively to connect directly with our church family. Then I had one of thoses experieinces that takes disparate things and puts them together.

In reading a manual on social media, I was given an encouragement and a challenge that sounded like it was written in God's voice. "Avoid laziness. If something is hard, doing it right will immediately distinguish you from your peers. Always do the hard part first. Procrastinate later."

What a powerful word for believers. While I did not read that in scripture, it certainly is an application of scripture. I hate technology and I am NOT a gadget freak. I find this modern stuff to be hard. Yet there is more need for connection between believers than ever before. We live in a world more broken and out of touch with our bibical worldview. This creates the need for believers to connect. And we have more tools with which to connect than ever before - thus "do it right."

It is also the impetus behind 100 for 100. We are engaging a new vision because it is the right thing to do.

The connection: CHristians daily make choices of faith. By definition, that means we make hard choices and do hard things. That is why they are choices of faith. But do them right. They aer worth doing. It is what sets us apart from the world and encourages other believers by giving them something to follow. WHen you do "the hard part first" - the choice fo faith God has asked you to do - God will bless you.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Affirming the Authority of Scripture

Affirming the Authority of Scripture -1 Peter 1:22 – 2:3

scripture is the sole authority for truth because its nature is uniquely

scripture is eternal due to its Author
"the living and enduring word of God". 

scripture is eternal due to its Authenticity
         14,000 Old Testament manuscripts/fragments
         1 variation every 1,580 words, 99% are spelling

scripture is eternal due to its Authenticity
         24,000 copies of the New Testament
         5,300 Greek
         10,000 Latin
         9,300 in others such as Aramaic
         Less than 1 variation per 1000 words.

Scripture is powerful. It is the power that
         Births us
         Purifies us
         Grows us

Scripture is beautiful in its

Its Creation is miraculous. Consider:
         1,500 years
         3 continents
         16 countries
         40 authors
         1 clear and consistent message

Its Eloquence touches
         every heart
         in every culture
         in every era. 

THEREFORE….We must choose to embrace it. We must “set aside” and “desire.”

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Breaking a Fast

At some point, you will have to break your fast. It is important to do it properly. This is a spiritual exercise and that must be taken into account. It is also is a physical exercise and we must take that into account as well.

1) Say a final prayer before eating. Thank God for whatever He has said to you. Thank Him for answering prayer. THank Him for His physical sustenance during the fast.

2) Plan to eat at home if at all possible.

3) Eat something that will not tax your system. Eat small portions and slowly. This is more true the longer your fast has lasted.

4) Your digestive system is put under stress when you break a fast. The longer you have been without food, the more "dormant" everything has become. Eat small portions and gently so you give your system time to readjust to digesting food once again.

5) Write yourself a journal entry or letter. Find a way to memorialize what you have learned. God will share with you when you truly seek. What He has to share is valuable and life changing. You do not want to lose what He tells you.

Helpful Hints on Fasting

Here are some helpful hints and encouragements for you as join together in this fast.

1) This is not a success of fail exercise. This is about seeking God - not accomplishing a goal. Jesus said, "everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."  Matthew 7:8   Focus on Jesus. Seek Him. Do what you can do. Step out in faith and try. If you cannot go 3 days, you still stepped out to seek God and He will answer your prayers. He will meet you when you seek Him.

2) Be healthy. We have said this over and over but do NOT risk your health. If you cannot do this for medical reasons, then DON"T. Do something else.

3) Drink plenty of water. Whether one or three days, you must drink lots of water.

4) Ask a friend you serve with or in your Lifegroup to do it with you. Meet together for prayer instead of breakfast. Hold each other up as you do it together.

5) Share an encouraging word with someone you are close to about met you. Do not make anyone feel guilty about not fasting. We only want to encourage and build up - not tear down.

6) If you go more than one day, please consider drinking something more substantive than water. That is especially true if this is new for you. The point is seeking God, not gutting it out as if you are dieting. Milk, fruit juice, etc. has nutrients and vitamins that will keep you going and strengthen you.

7) Find a verse over the next day that will be a promise and an anchor. Use it when you get hungry to anchor your thoughts to prayer. You can use one on the prayer card or find one from your quiet time.

8) It is often helpful to have a focal point, especially as the hours move on. Use the prayer focus from the prayer card to start. When you are hungry, then focsu on that prayer. As you go along, especially in a multi-day fast God, will lay something else on your heart. The important thing is to get started. Once you get started God will guide you. Just focus and seek.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Esther - An Invitation to God's Plan

Week of August 19
1 prayer focus each day
1, 2, and 3 day fasts

Jesus prayed - Mark 1: 35-39

Jesus taught us to pray - Matthew 6:5-18

Jesus gave the promise of answered prayer - John 14: 9-18

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Praise
Praise Jesus for the evidence of His answered promise
Greater works He has done through FBC
Since January 2007, we have seen 332 baptisms.
Of those, 264 were under 18.

Guatemala - 3 trips w 24 people
Alaska - 2 trips w 15 people
Kansas - 1 trip w 17 people
Bulgaria - 1 trip w 5 people
Uruguay   1 trip w 10 people

Since January, 2007, we have given to the Cooperative Program $977,275 through regular tithes plus Five “March to the Manger” offerings, totaling $437,139.71 plus
Mission scholarships

4,292 people made professions of faith through ABSC Missions Ministries.

57 new church planters have been trained and 35 new churches started right here in our own state.

297 kids have found a home   through the Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes and over 1,778 counseling sessions have been offered to at-risk families.

Baptist Collegiate Ministries across Arkansas led 44 spring break mission trips from 16    different campuses to 18 states and 9 countries.

And your Arkansas CPO Missionaries have had 18,954 consultations with Arkansas Baptists, made over 1,929 church visits, reported 2,753 evangelistic contacts with lost people, and seen 650 people come to know the Lord.

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Repent
Let God speak to you about any issue He wants to deal with such as,
         Lack of involvement in light of His promise
         Lack of faith
         Lack of prayer
         Any hindrance, distraction, wrong priority

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Ask
Do I pray for souls, opportunities, mission teams, my "Love List“?

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Yield
Am I disobedient in participating in FBC's Great Commission work?
Has God placed a burden on my heart for a person? A ministry?

Friday, August 17, 2012

"Where Did you Get That"

I led a conference Thursday evening at Abbott Baptist Church in Mansfield, Arkansas for the Convention where I spoke to Pastors on the topic was "Where Did You Get That." 


Illustrate - Illustrate means to make clear or to tell a story using drawings, pictures, examples or comparisons. (verb)
 An example of illustrate is to give an example. yourdictionary.com
Creativity - Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
(page 396, Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken) 

Creativity in illustrations…
·        Reflects the character of God as Creator
·        Models the kind of powerful teaching Jesus used
·        Engages the heart and mind together
·        Connects
·        Enhances retention
BIG IDEA: Creativity in illustrating a message is NOT a skill or character trait – but a discipline. 
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”  Oscar Wilde

Simple forms of creativity:
·        Change your typical outline format (expositive to topical, use an acrostic, do not alliterate) 
·        Change your delivery method (do not use the pulpit or use one, sit down, change clothes)
·        Use a simple prop
·        Give a take home
·        Place an image or prop on stage to create mood or illustrate a theme (mannequin dressed in the armor of God)
·        Create templates   i.e. LEAD, PRAY, LIFE
·        Use repeated “logos”, i.e. “Adrianisms”

Discipline for “Creating” Illustrations
  1. You must have “lead time” for creativity so you must have messages outlined in advance (not necessarily a manuscript).

  1. Schedule time to be creative. It must be a scheduled discipline or you will not do it. It does NOT have to be hours or steal all of your time.
·        Set aside the time
·        Have a place
·        Keep a “crock pot” – do not lose ideas, keeps the creative “flow”

  1. Focus on creating:
·        Create environment
·        Reading list that stirs creativity
·        Tools, i.e. inductive Bible Study method (repetitive concepts)

  1. Set a goal to hold yourself accountable:
·        Illustrate 1 point in a message
·        Change sermon presentation in the next 3 weeks
·        Do a 4 week series with a theme 

Elements You can Illustrate:
·        Theme for a series
·        Theme for a message – Jesus tree, It all goes back in the box
·        A key point in the message
·        Use to show the big idea
·        Provide a “take home”
·        Cause action as a step of faith – come forward, nail it to the cross, write praises on the wall

Where Do I find Creative Illustrations? 

·        Things you know about – sports, hunting/fishing, World War 2, sailing
·        Various readings selected for creativity – Biblical Archaeology, Answers in Genesis, Popular Mechanics, World Magazine
·        Take advantage of things going on – Olympics, iPods, iPads, GPS, world series, Christmas, opening of deer/duck season, super hero movies 
·        Take advantage of a published series – Bible App (allows time to work on the illustration since substance provided)
·        PLAGIARIZE!
·        Watch churches online
·        Share with other pastors – tonight even!
·        Authors you enjoy, Lucado, Ortberg
·        Creative people in your church

Some Books:
The Power of Multi-sensory Preaching and Teaching  by Rick Blackwood
The Creative Leader  by Ed Young, Jr.
Color Outside the Lines  by Howard Hendricks
Made to Stick (Why some ideas survive and others die)  Chip Heath & Dan Heath