Monday, July 15, 2013

Controlling the Tongue

Controlling the tongue - JAMES 3:2-12


a come to Jesus meeting

·       Getting called on the carpet, dressed down, or otherwise chewed out in a severe manner. Usually used in conjunction with "meetin'" (meeting)

·       A firm lecturing, no nonsense dressing down, comparable to a Fire and Brimstone             revival meeting.

·       . . . never pleasant, so don’t go signing up for one

·       A meeting where someone close to you (e.g. friend, family, etc.) is confronted over behavior that’s causing consternation, that's negatively effecting your relationship.


You must recognize the power of the tongue - James 3:3

Memory verse:

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. 

Prov. 18:21

Controlling the tongue:

You must recognize the tongue produces a “world of sin.”

The tongue reveals the heart.

You must submit your heart and then tongue to the Holy Spirit.


1. daily quiet time.

2. attitude of submission to others.

3. develop a “filter.” 

4. Practice speaking “life” as much as possible.

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