Monday, March 11, 2013

The Family Calendar

The Family Calendar - Ephesians 5:16; Deuteronomy 11:18-21


Parenting Goal: Train your children so as adults they will walk with Jesus and lead others to Him

Why days are “evil”:
        More choices
        Technology increasing pace
        Misuse of finances – credit, etc.
        Relational dysfunction
Culture of “experience seeking”

Perspective Problem, so…
        Simple things
        Make plans
        One step at a time
        “Way of life” in regular activities
        Maximize patterns

Take time to:
        Plan with your spouse
        Together activities (does not include spectator stuff)

Use your time wisely:
  Set clear expectations;          
  teach clearly “how”;              
  hold accountable;
  no battles;                              
  reward completion

Use your time wisely:
        Do projects together
  Reduce involvement to maximize involvement

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5 Key Principles for Reaching Every Parent's Goal

5 Key Principles for Reaching Every Parent’s Goal - Ephesians 6:1-4

Parenting Goal:

Train your children so as adults they will walk with Jesus and lead others to Him

5 Key Principles:

  1. Use the Bible to teach
  2. Submission to authority through boundaries/obedience
  3. Decisions and consequences
  4. Responsibility and privilege
  5. Introduce them to the person of Jesus

2 Necessary Foundations

These are choices of love based upon relationship.

“Rules without Relationship lead to rebellion.”

 The depth of your relationship determines the effectiveness of your discipline.

Apply these principles throughout childhood.

The activities are consistent while the applications are different for each life stage.


Principle 1:

Use the Bible to teach. vss 2-3 = Commandment #5  “which is”

The next 3 make up the principles of “discipline and instruction” or training and involve…

Process      a plan consistently applied

Methods   teach how to follow God’s plan

Goal           walking with Jesus


Principle 2:

Submission to authority through boundaries/obedience

Principle 3:

Decisions and consequences

Principle 4:

Responsibility and privilege

Principle 5:

 Introduce them to the person of Jesus