Monday, August 26, 2013

Teaching how God is involved in our lives

Teaching how God is involved in our lives      Psalm 78


This month we will teach you to prepare a written spiritual legacy to hand down to your generations to come.


Format of your letter:

·       Introduction- just state purpose

·       Your salvation testimony.

·       Add any family

·       Selected works of God.

·       Conclusion: we are/have/live because of God's love    


Selected works of God: iconic events that illustrate God's character and faithful involvement in

your family


The conclusion...

We are... because God has blessed us. So we must teach them that God is involved in our lives.


A testimony uses story to teach them to:

Recognize God is involved.

Respond to God's involvement.


God’s character means he acts

·       If God is jealous, then He disciplines

·       If God is gracious, then He forgives

·       If God is purposeful, then He establishes


We respond by faith and obedience to His work in our lives



Monday, August 19, 2013

Format of your Letter

This month we will teach you to prepare a written spiritual legacy to hand down to your generations to come.


Format of your letter:

·       Introduction- just state purpose

·       Your salvation testimony.

·       Add any family

·       Selected works of God.

·       Conclusion : we are/have/live because of God's love    


Selected works of God:

Iconic events that illustrate God's character and faithful involvement in your family


The command: Tell them...

·       His Praises – perspective

·       His Might – build faith/awe

·       His Wondrous Works – teaches He is involved


God’s character:

·       Loving

·       Intimate

·       Jealous

·       Purposeful

·       Gracious

Monday, August 12, 2013

Format of your Letter

This month we will teach you to prepare a written spiritual legacy to hand down to your generations to come.

Format of your letter:

Introduction- just state purpose

Your salvation testimony

Add any family

Selected works of God

Conclusion: we are/have/live because of God's love   

Selected works of God:

Iconic events that illustrate

God's character and faithful involvement in your family

The command:

Tell them...

His Praises – perspective

His Might – build faith/awe

His Wondrous Works – teaches He is involved

Example: water from the rocks

Every child knew

Picture of power

Need met

Lesson learned

Call to response

Are you preparing?

Do you have a testimony to share?

Are you connected enough to share?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Written Spiritual Legacy

This month we will teach you to prepare a written spiritual legacy to hand down to your generations to come.

Everything starts with your salvation testimony         Psalm 78:11-14

Testimony format:
Who I was before I met Jesus
How I met Jesus
Who I am after Jesus saved me           

Why is your testimony so important?            
Reality - tangible, cannot be disputed
Identity - kids need to know who they are and belong somewhere
Perspective- defines who God is and what He does      

You cannot hand down what you do not have.
Do you have a testimony?
Is your testimony prepared to be handed down?