Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Breaking a Fast

At some point, you will have to break your fast. It is important to do it properly. This is a spiritual exercise and that must be taken into account. It is also is a physical exercise and we must take that into account as well.

1) Say a final prayer before eating. Thank God for whatever He has said to you. Thank Him for answering prayer. THank Him for His physical sustenance during the fast.

2) Plan to eat at home if at all possible.

3) Eat something that will not tax your system. Eat small portions and slowly. This is more true the longer your fast has lasted.

4) Your digestive system is put under stress when you break a fast. The longer you have been without food, the more "dormant" everything has become. Eat small portions and gently so you give your system time to readjust to digesting food once again.

5) Write yourself a journal entry or letter. Find a way to memorialize what you have learned. God will share with you when you truly seek. What He has to share is valuable and life changing. You do not want to lose what He tells you.

Helpful Hints on Fasting

Here are some helpful hints and encouragements for you as join together in this fast.

1) This is not a success of fail exercise. This is about seeking God - not accomplishing a goal. Jesus said, "everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."  Matthew 7:8   Focus on Jesus. Seek Him. Do what you can do. Step out in faith and try. If you cannot go 3 days, you still stepped out to seek God and He will answer your prayers. He will meet you when you seek Him.

2) Be healthy. We have said this over and over but do NOT risk your health. If you cannot do this for medical reasons, then DON"T. Do something else.

3) Drink plenty of water. Whether one or three days, you must drink lots of water.

4) Ask a friend you serve with or in your Lifegroup to do it with you. Meet together for prayer instead of breakfast. Hold each other up as you do it together.

5) Share an encouraging word with someone you are close to about met you. Do not make anyone feel guilty about not fasting. We only want to encourage and build up - not tear down.

6) If you go more than one day, please consider drinking something more substantive than water. That is especially true if this is new for you. The point is seeking God, not gutting it out as if you are dieting. Milk, fruit juice, etc. has nutrients and vitamins that will keep you going and strengthen you.

7) Find a verse over the next day that will be a promise and an anchor. Use it when you get hungry to anchor your thoughts to prayer. You can use one on the prayer card or find one from your quiet time.

8) It is often helpful to have a focal point, especially as the hours move on. Use the prayer focus from the prayer card to start. When you are hungry, then focsu on that prayer. As you go along, especially in a multi-day fast God, will lay something else on your heart. The important thing is to get started. Once you get started God will guide you. Just focus and seek.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Esther - An Invitation to God's Plan

Week of August 19
1 prayer focus each day
1, 2, and 3 day fasts

Jesus prayed - Mark 1: 35-39

Jesus taught us to pray - Matthew 6:5-18

Jesus gave the promise of answered prayer - John 14: 9-18

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Praise
Praise Jesus for the evidence of His answered promise
Greater works He has done through FBC
Since January 2007, we have seen 332 baptisms.
Of those, 264 were under 18.

Guatemala - 3 trips w 24 people
Alaska - 2 trips w 15 people
Kansas - 1 trip w 17 people
Bulgaria - 1 trip w 5 people
Uruguay   1 trip w 10 people

Since January, 2007, we have given to the Cooperative Program $977,275 through regular tithes plus Five “March to the Manger” offerings, totaling $437,139.71 plus
Mission scholarships

4,292 people made professions of faith through ABSC Missions Ministries.

57 new church planters have been trained and 35 new churches started right here in our own state.

297 kids have found a home   through the Arkansas Baptist Children’s Homes and over 1,778 counseling sessions have been offered to at-risk families.

Baptist Collegiate Ministries across Arkansas led 44 spring break mission trips from 16    different campuses to 18 states and 9 countries.

And your Arkansas CPO Missionaries have had 18,954 consultations with Arkansas Baptists, made over 1,929 church visits, reported 2,753 evangelistic contacts with lost people, and seen 650 people come to know the Lord.

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Repent
Let God speak to you about any issue He wants to deal with such as,
         Lack of involvement in light of His promise
         Lack of faith
         Lack of prayer
         Any hindrance, distraction, wrong priority

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Ask
Do I pray for souls, opportunities, mission teams, my "Love List“?

How to P.R.A.Y. this week - Yield
Am I disobedient in participating in FBC's Great Commission work?
Has God placed a burden on my heart for a person? A ministry?

Friday, August 17, 2012

"Where Did you Get That"

I led a conference Thursday evening at Abbott Baptist Church in Mansfield, Arkansas for the Convention where I spoke to Pastors on the topic was "Where Did You Get That." 


Illustrate - Illustrate means to make clear or to tell a story using drawings, pictures, examples or comparisons. (verb)
 An example of illustrate is to give an example.
Creativity - Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
(page 396, Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken) 

Creativity in illustrations…
·        Reflects the character of God as Creator
·        Models the kind of powerful teaching Jesus used
·        Engages the heart and mind together
·        Connects
·        Enhances retention
BIG IDEA: Creativity in illustrating a message is NOT a skill or character trait – but a discipline. 
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”  Oscar Wilde

Simple forms of creativity:
·        Change your typical outline format (expositive to topical, use an acrostic, do not alliterate) 
·        Change your delivery method (do not use the pulpit or use one, sit down, change clothes)
·        Use a simple prop
·        Give a take home
·        Place an image or prop on stage to create mood or illustrate a theme (mannequin dressed in the armor of God)
·        Create templates   i.e. LEAD, PRAY, LIFE
·        Use repeated “logos”, i.e. “Adrianisms”

Discipline for “Creating” Illustrations
  1. You must have “lead time” for creativity so you must have messages outlined in advance (not necessarily a manuscript).

  1. Schedule time to be creative. It must be a scheduled discipline or you will not do it. It does NOT have to be hours or steal all of your time.
·        Set aside the time
·        Have a place
·        Keep a “crock pot” – do not lose ideas, keeps the creative “flow”

  1. Focus on creating:
·        Create environment
·        Reading list that stirs creativity
·        Tools, i.e. inductive Bible Study method (repetitive concepts)

  1. Set a goal to hold yourself accountable:
·        Illustrate 1 point in a message
·        Change sermon presentation in the next 3 weeks
·        Do a 4 week series with a theme 

Elements You can Illustrate:
·        Theme for a series
·        Theme for a message – Jesus tree, It all goes back in the box
·        A key point in the message
·        Use to show the big idea
·        Provide a “take home”
·        Cause action as a step of faith – come forward, nail it to the cross, write praises on the wall

Where Do I find Creative Illustrations? 

·        Things you know about – sports, hunting/fishing, World War 2, sailing
·        Various readings selected for creativity – Biblical Archaeology, Answers in Genesis, Popular Mechanics, World Magazine
·        Take advantage of things going on – Olympics, iPods, iPads, GPS, world series, Christmas, opening of deer/duck season, super hero movies 
·        Take advantage of a published series – Bible App (allows time to work on the illustration since substance provided)
·        PLAGIARIZE!
·        Watch churches online
·        Share with other pastors – tonight even!
·        Authors you enjoy, Lucado, Ortberg
·        Creative people in your church

Some Books:
The Power of Multi-sensory Preaching and Teaching  by Rick Blackwood
The Creative Leader  by Ed Young, Jr.
Color Outside the Lines  by Howard Hendricks
Made to Stick (Why some ideas survive and others die)  Chip Heath & Dan Heath

Monday, August 13, 2012

Esther – An Invitation to God’s Plan

 When My Prayers Don’t Work
Habakkuk 3:2

LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2

“Someone once said, ‘Prayer is the dialogue between two people who love each other – God and man.’  Simply put, prayer is    communicating with God.
Prayer is much more than words, however. It is an expression of the heart toward God. It is an experience, a relationship, not an activity.” Dr. Bill Bright

When he prays

How he prays

         With awe…
         With confidence…
         Without agenda…

Why he prays

         That God would renew…
         That God would reveal…
         That God would remember…

Venue and 10:30am Sermon by Pastor Dave Morley

Esther - An Invitation to Pray

For Such a Time as This
Esther 4:14; Matthew 9:35-38

Look at the harvest fields

         The compassion of Jesus
         The condition of the harvest
1.      Harassed and helpless
2.      Like sheep without a shepherd
         Where are the harvest fields?

Ask the Boss

         What? – workers
1.      Because Jesus said so
2.      Because the harvest is ready
3.      Because God has a plan for you

Work the harvest

“When we pray as Jesus commanded, we will see what He saw, feel as He felt, and do what he did.”

9:00am Sermon by Pastor Dick Avey

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday Lifegroup for Childrens and Students Leaders

I am excited for the opportunity to invest in the most strategic group in FBC - those who invest in our most precious and important group in our children. The core of our ministry strategy as a bedroom community church is to minister to families. We have been incredibly successful in doing this by reaching children and student and then  supporting their families.

Based on this FBC strategy, the most important leaders in our church are those who make our Children and Student ministries strong and vital. Moreover, the most fun and rewarding ministry in church is working with these groups as well. Are you kidding me - how fun do you think it was to do WOP WOP with our kids?

Since these are both the most strategic and most rewarding areas of service, we want to strive continually to make serving in these areas a blessing. Thus my decision to alter my Wednesday schedule in order to lead a Lifegroup for you. Here are some easy FAQs to learn more about this Lifergoup:

Why Wednesday?
Because we already have child and student ministry programming in place so those teacshers with kids can be insured that the kid are taken care of. Also Wednesday nights should not add another time slot to your already busy schedule. Finally, Wednesday nights works on a 1 1/2 hour schedule. That measn there is plenty of time to fellowship, pray, share, learn, and wahtever else we may want to do. We will not be rushed.

Are all Sunday workers required to go?
Absolutely not. I am making this ministry available to you. As part of our discipleship LIFE strategy, we want everyone to fully enjoy BODY LIFE. That means you have the chance to be committeed to corporate worship, a Lifegroup, and a ministry. Some areas you can "kill 2 birds with one stone" - i.e. choir, instrumental music. Some service areas have Lifegroups available at other times as well, such as Sunday evenings. Many of our teachers however do not have another option available. Our staff wants to insure we have sufficient offerings so everyone can participate and enjoy the blessings of a full BODY LIFE. Pastor Drew and Pastor Ron have worked with me to make this Wednesday night Lifegroup a reality for you.

Can new workers come?
Absolutely. In fact, engaging some new workers is one, but not all, of the many reasons this Lifegroup makes sense. Hopefully, this ministry will remove a significant barrier that has been holding some folks back from serving - a full BODY LIFE experience.

Will it 1 1/2 hour of preaching?
I certainly hope not! If it is, then it wasn't me preaching. This is a Lifegroup. We are going to do LIFE together. We are going to enjoy fellowship with each other. Making connections and building relationships will be key. We will enjoy eachother and pray together. We will study together, but with the goal of feeding you. If you only giveout and are never encouraged, fed, and ministered to then you will only burn out. We will have a time of study designed to give back to you, feed you, and mentor you.

Is there a curriculum?
i will begin using the same materials we use in other Lifegroups, including the First Look daily devotionals. But like all of our Lifegroups, we will not be wedded to that material. We give all of our adult Lifegroup leaders that freedom and encouragement to know their group and feeed them as they need to be fed. As we begin getting to know one another, I will adjust our study time to minister to our Lifegroup.

Why You? Are you too busy to really be a true Lifegroup leader? 
BODY LIFE applies to all of us, including me. I am genuinely looking forward to being in this group. Moreover, I have been a Lifegroup (or Sunday School) leader since I was 18. I know what is required and whatI must provide. I also know what I would like to have in the way of relationships and connections as well. We willbe a full service Lifegroup - and I hope a model one for the rest of FBC. I am teaching this one because I want to and because I am interested in this group of folks. Besides, most of our other Lifegroup teachers have full-time jobs and then minister to their Lifegroup. I will not be doing anything any differently than they are.       

Monday, August 6, 2012

August Pastor's Pick

This month I have selected a classic book from christian literature entitled Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray. This book is one that every believer MUST read at some point in their lifetime. IT is a book that every follower of Chrst should have in their library.

It is short. It is well written. It is easily accessible for every reader. And it will literally and powerfully change your life.

Jesus made the standard of followship very clear: "If any man desires to follow Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me." Andrew Murray explains the process of surrendering to Jesus in an effective way. He explains it in real life ways that everyone can follow and learn. Moreover, the book is not about his thoughts, but continually points you to Jesus. Too many time modern writers want to impress the reader with either their own insight, or with more strident language challenging the reader.

Andrew Murray does what a christian author shoudl do - he points you to Jesus. In clear and simple language, he explains the standard and method of absolute surrender int he life of a believer. He also teaches you the joy of the intimacy that follows the discipline of a surrendered life.

Please give it a try this month.

Esther - An Invitation to Pray

An invitation to Pray - Adding power through fasting

August 5-26: Sermon series on prayer 

Week of August 19:
            19 - Life group lessons, "FBC Prayer Card," school prayer walks
            22-23 - FBC wide 1 day fast
            23-25 - continuation to 3 day fast
Week of August 26:
            26 - Lifegroup lessons, “FBC Prayer Card,"

How? Matthew 6:16-18

Fasting is presumed.
         A fundamental Jewish practice
         JESUS modeled it
         Great Comission.

Fasting is personal.
         What is your level of desire to know Jesus?

Fasting is passionate.
         "Will reward" 
         How much do you believe?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Esther - An Invitation to Pray 7/29

1) Invitation to Pray    Esther 4:16

2) "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds."  2 Cor 10:4

3) December 8, 1944 - Third Army HQ in the Caserne Molifor in Nancy, France

"There are three ways that men get what they want: by planning, by working, and by praying. Any great military operation takes careful planning or thinking. Then you must have well trained troops to carry it out: that's working. But between the plan and the operation there is always an unknown. That unknown spells defeat or victory; success or failure. It is the reaction of the actors to the ordeal when it actually comes. Some people call that getting the breaks. I call it God. God has His part or margin in everything. That's where prayer comes in."   Lt. General George Patton, Commanding U.S. Third Army

5) Dec 11-2 - 250,000 prayer cards distributed, along with 3,200 Instruction Letters for prayer distributed to every unit of U.S. Third Army
            Dec. 16 - Nazis attack, "Battle of the Bulge" begins
            Dec. 20 - weather unexpectedly breaks and Allies break Nazi advance

6) Prayer is a necessity when fighting in God's Army when engaged in His plan for redemption.

7) August's Invitation to Pray:
August 5 - 26: Sermon series on prayer 
Week of August 19:
            19 - Life group lessons, "FBC Prayer Card," school prayer walks
            22-3 - FBC wide 1 day fast
            23-25 - continuation to 3 day fast
Week of August 26:
            26 - Lifegroup lessons, "FBC prayer Card,"

1)                  P raise
R epent
A sk
Y ield

2)                  Praise
God focus
Who God is
Who I am in light of God
His power and promises

3)                  Repent 
A necessity after seeing myself in light of God
Remove obstacle of sin between God and I
Breakdown of selfishness

4)                  Ask 
Place needs before God  Phil 4:6
Intercession - Pleading for what God pleads for
John 14:12 - 14

5)                  Yield
     john 14:15
"i will go... If I perish, I perish"