Monday, March 31, 2014

Disconnected? Gospel?

Disconnected? 1Peter 2:9 Gospel


The Command to Connect:

“follow me” = command to share

·       A natural desire

·       Belief Jesus would impact him


Signs of Disconnect:

·       Inviting people to church?

·       More interested in your opinions than presence of Jesus?

·       Participate in efforts to reach – Venue Church?

·       A love list?


How to connect

·       Commit to invite people to church

·       Develop a love list

·       Commit to what we are doing

Survey of the Bible Sunday Evening 3-30-14

Monday, March 24, 2014

Disconnected? Hope?

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”


Disconnected? 1 Peter 2:9   Hope?


The Command to Connect:  

 “Rest your hope fully”


The Command to Connect:

·       Living hope (1:3)

·       Calls us to holiness – set apart (1:16)

·       Awe-inspiring (1:18-21)

·       Rooted in eternal scripture (1:23)

·       Share with others (3:15)


Signs of Disconnect:

·       Desire for Jesus? Ps 42:1-2

·       Broken over sin? Ps 51:10-12

·       Word from God? Ps119:49-50

·       Made a sacrifice? Phil 3:7-8

·       Answered a question “why”? 2 Cor 2: 14-16


How to connect:

1.     Devotional Life – time with Jesus

2.     Write your testimony

3.     Commit to feed your “hope” 

Memory verse

Music – gospel

Select a reminder

4.     Exercise your hope by ministry



Monday, March 17, 2014

Disconnected? Relationships

Disconnected? 1 Peter 2:9


“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”


The Command to Connect:


“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”


modeled in 2 Samuel 23:13-17


The Command to Connect:

·       Unprompted

·       Aware

·       Significant

·       Personal


Signs of disconnect:

·       Unaware of needs

·       No real effort

·       Living inward.

·       Not for others


How to Connect:

·       Connect with Jesus

·       Consider one another

·       Select one person, do one thing

·       Eliminate selfish feeder – Facebook, etc.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


DISCONNECTED? From church? Hebrews 10:19-25


The Command to Connect:

Because you are in Christ,

·       Stir up good works

·       Love one another

·       Assemble together

·       Encourage in light of Jesus’ return

Signs of disconnect:

·       Giving

·       Attendance

·       Growth passion?


Average giving rate for Christians is the same as non-Christians’ charitable giving – 3%

Age     % given by generation
65+                              46%
55-64                           22%
45-54                           17%
35-44                           11%
Under 35                       4%

FBC generational giving rates:

Age     % given by generation
65+                              27%
55-64                           21%
45-54                           26%
35-44                           19% (2nd largest group)
Under 35                       7%

FBC giving stats:

406 out of 511 families gave less than a tithe of Cabot median income ($52,000)
Median annual total of all active families = $1630
Median annual total of all giving families = $2610

FBC attendance stats:

MEMBERS - 2014
12% attended each week
40% attended 75%
32% less than 50%

How to connect

1.     Commit to a Lifegroup

·       Committed attendance – 75%

·       Strengthen other members

·       Invite someone
How to connect

1.     Commit to a Lifegroup

2.     Commit to give

·       $1 for week/year
How to connect

1.     Commit to a Lifegroup

2.     Commit to give

3.     Prayer for the church

·       1 specific request each week

·       1 specific praise each week

 How to connect

1.     Commit to a Lifegroup

2.     Commit to give

3.     Prayer for the church

4.     Develop a sense of vision

·       ponder “Who could FBC truly be?” 

·       prayer

·       engage

·       encourage it