Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Learning to Trust God through Praise

Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite. Psalm 147:5

We learn to trust God through Praising Him. The process looks like this:
ADORATION by praising His ATTRIBUTES leads to understanding His ACTIONS.

This verse states “nothing is too big for God (Great and Mighty) but no one is too small for God (His understanding).

Daniel is an example of this truth –
“Great” – God is always working His plan for His glory. God uses the plot against Daniel to create a law by the pagan king declaring His glory.

“Mighty power” –
Turned the plans of evil men for His good
Closed the mouths of the lions

“infinite understanding” – God never left or forsook Daniel. He took Daniel’s trial and let him be apart of God’s miraculous plan.
This is a “Praise the Lord” article that everyone needs to read. It affirms 2 things: 1- the power of reaching children evangelistically and 2- why we are committed to be strong participants in the Arkansas Baptist Convention. This is why we do what we do. You should see this so you will know as a church family what you’re commitment to tithing, missions, and children’s ministry does in the power of the Gospel.

Cooperation at Work

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to Pray for Someone

We 're all asked at times to pray for a friend, family member, or church member. The does more than just command u to pray. God also teaches us HOW to pray effectively for the people we care about in our lives. In fact, Paul even shares his prayer for his friends in Ephesus so we can see a model for how to pray for those we love. See Ephesians 3: 8-21.

First, this prayer list is rooted in God's plan for each person's life. Jesus clearly stated that He came to provide salvation and establish a relationship with His followers. He described this life this way: "I have come that might have life and have it more abundantly." John 10:10. That is His purpose for us. Paul prays for his friends in such a way that he is pursuing this work in their lives. If that is why Jesus came, then why wouldn't He answer this prayer? So learn to pray the way Paul modeled - towards God's purposes.

Pray for God's Unfailing Purpose. Verse 11 reiterates that God has a purpose. Paul then says he prays in accordance with that purpose - "For this reason I bow my knees ... that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." (11, 19). Pray that God will work His purpose in their life. Pray He will use the circumstances prompting the prayer request to mold them into the image of Jesus and that He will fill them completely. Pray they will be blessed with the pleasure of God's blessing "well done good and faithful servant" by how they respond and grow in this moment.

Pray for God's Unfading Provision. Paul prayed that God would grant them strength, and any other need. "from His riches in glory." (16) What an awesome way to learn the heart of God and be drawn to Him - by seeing a rich provision of strength, grace, patience, or whatever their need.

Pray for God's Unrivaled Presence. Paul prayed that Christ would dwell in their hearts. Wow is that a great prayer. Think what that prayer being answered in the heart of a loved one would mean in real life terms. Jesus died to be in a relationship with His followers - He's probably dying to answering that prayer.

Pray for God's unlimited Possibilities. Paul reminds us of just how big God is - "able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all we can ask or think." (20). He can teach beyond our understanding, work beyond our planning, give victories beyond our vision, heal beyond our pain, provide beyond our needs, reveal Himself more intimately then any physical presence, direct circumstances beyond our control, and comfort beyond our agony. 

This is a prayer request list that you can pray with confidence God will answer.     

Monday, May 21, 2012

Why I Am Active as a Southern Baptist

Latest article for the Arkansas Baptist News.........................

“Why are we active with the SBC/ABSC?” Every week I am asked this question. Sometimes it comes from a family visiting our church. They may have a different faith heritage – or no church affiliation at all – and they ask what it means to be a “Southern Baptist Church.” It also comes from church members who wonder about our church’s involvement with the ABSC and giving to the Cooperative Program (CP). This is a time when resources can be scarce. Economic times make things tough on families and thus churches. Families are busier than ever, reducing the time they have to serve. Pastoral time and resources also are at a premium because so many families are hurting – marriages, issues with children, financial crises. This means people wonder why pastors are giving hours to the ABSC with so many counseling needs, ministry demands, etc.

It is imperative that Pastors understand why we are involved in our Convention and then teach the church. If we are less than clear, our leadership to the church also will be less than clear. On the other hand, a clear, well-reasoned explanation is a strong method for casting vision and affirming the church’s resolve. A weak answer simply creates more questions in the mind of church members. Relying upon “We have always done it this way” will not stir a deeper passion for missions giving at your church. We must consistently affirm the vision for our churches to remain engaged.  

Here are a few clear reasons why I am committed to partner with our Convention. First, the Bible is the only infallible statement from God that defines man’s condition and His plan for salvation. Baptists still have a vibrant, strong commitment to the Bible. Second, the Bible, our instruction manual, commands us to evangelize. The ABSC helps our church create effective evangelism opportunities. We have been involved in numerous ABSC partnerships and we have more people involved in missions because of that partnership. Third, the SBC, through the CP, sends more missionaries around the world than any other mechanism. We are directly sending out missionaries by our giving. Moreover, it is often the SBC missionaries who make it possible for us to work in countries where our church sends teams, such as Guatemala.

Finally, this partnership helps disciple my church towards a greater commitment to missions. When we fight to maintain our giving or send people on a mission event, we make a conscious decision to keep our focus on missions. Every meeting where we squeeze our nickels in order to give, we are making a decision of faith to prioritize evangelism. When we teach/preach on giving, I regularly ask our church this question: “Do we want to be a church that balances our budget by cutting missions support or by giving more so we can send more?” This discourse in our church helps disciple our people to make the commitment to be an evangelistic church. Isn’t that the Great Commission after all?    

The Importance of Encouragement in Life

The Importance of Encouragement in Life - 2 Kings 6:8-23

2 key examples here:
         Servant – seeks out an encourager

         Elisha – accepts the responsibility to be an encourager  

BOTH must reach out!

Causes of Life Crises/Trouble
Living in a fallen world (v 8)
B. Opposition when serving God (v 9)
C. When you are inexperienced or facing a new situation

True Biblical Encouragement
A. Living in a fallen world (v 8)
B. Opposition when serving God (v 9)
C. When you are inexperienced or facing a new situation

A. pointed him to God

A. Living in a fallen world (v 8)
B. Opposition when serving God (v 9)
C. When you are inexperienced or facing a new situation

B. reminder of God’s protection in the battle

A. Living in a fallen world (v 8)
B. Opposition when serving God (v 9)
C. When you are inexperienced or   facing a new situation

C. mature spiritual mentor

What it feels like to be in trouble
Fear - “Alas”
No answers- “surrounding the city with chariots”
No hope- “what shall we do?”

How to recognize an encourager
Deep faith-based strength – calm, focused on God
Concern for those around him – no rebuke, teaches 
Prayer – v 17 – Ephesians 3: 14-19

The Importance of Encouragement in Life - 2 Kings 6:8-23

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Characteristics of a Powerful Mom

The characteristics of a powerful mom - Exodus 2:1-10 Hebrews 11: 23-26

         She affirmed God’s plan for him. “By faith … because they saw”  
         She risked everything to protect him.
Her life
Her family
         She planned ingeniously to raise him.   
Elaborate planning for 3 months
Elaborate plans for Moses’ adoption
         She fought the culture for his heart. “By Faith Moses … esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches”  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This Month's Pastor's Pick

This month our Pastor's Pick book is Family Driven Faith - Doing what it takes to raise sons and daughters who walk with God  by Voddie Baucham. This book was given to me by a family in our church following one of the Creative Family sermons during our April emphasis on Creating a Future. I reviewed portions of the book and got so excited I made it the Pick for May.

This author is an excellent writer and preacher with a strong emphasis in his ministry on families. He takes some very strong positions that are challenging and thought provoking. Every family should read this book because it makes you look deeply into the rotations and patterns of your family life. If we are called to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, then that will mean certain priorities in our families. It should mean there specific emphases and activities in our families designed to teach our children a strong faith in Jesus.

This book will stir you to think about how you spend your time as a family. It will get you as a parent to look inside yourself in an effort to grow in your faith. I strongly recommend this book. I am very excited about going back through it this month in a detailed fashion.

Please join me. We are having some wonderful discussions. I have several people who text me during the month as the read the Pick. Please join with us as we grow. You will be glad you picked up the Pastor's Pick.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Foundations for the Future

Foundations for the Future – Creating a Future

Creating family – Ephesians 6:4, 3:14-21 (part two)

  1.  having the quality and power of creating
  2.  resulting from originality of thought, imaginative 

Training means there is a specific:

Training’s Goal:
“for this reason” – “that you may be filled with all of the fullness of God”

Goal: To train your children so when they are adults, they will walk with Jesus and influence others to do the same.

Training’s Methodology
         specific exercises for specific traits/skills

Key areas of training:
         “inner man”
         faith training
         servant hearted
         church life – body life

Training’s result
         “filled with the fullness of God”
         see a God “who is able”
         participate in a church as the glory of Christ

Sermon: April 29, 2012

Pastor's Pick for May

The Pastor's Pick for May is "Family Driven Faith" (Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk With God) by Voddie Baucham, Jr.

Here is a quote from the back of the book, "More teens are turning away from the faith than ever before: it is estimated that 75 to 88 percent of Christian teens walk away from Christianity by the end of their freshman year of college. Something must be done.

Family Driven Faith equips Christian parents with the tools they need to raise children biblically in a post-Christian, antifamily society. Voddie Baucham, who with his wife has overcome a multigenerational legacy of broken and dysfunctional homes, shows that God has not left us alone in raising godly children.

This bold book is an urgent call to parents-and the church-to return to biblical discipleshp in and through the home."

The Spiritual Gifts bookstore will once again have these books available for purchseduring the month of May. There telepone number is 605-1775. I look forward to our next discussion on Sunday, June 3rd.

Foundation for the Future - Creating a Future

Foundation for the Future – Creating a Future

Creative family - Ephesians 6:4, 3:14-21

  1.  having the quality and power of creating
  2.  resulting from originality of thought, imaginative 

“in the training and admonition of the Lord” is a goal worthy of both definitions

Training means there is a specific:

Training’s Goal:
“for this reason” – “that you may be filled with all of the fullness of God”

Goal: To train your children so when they are adults, they will walk with Jesus and influence others to do the same.

Training’s Methodology
         specific exercises for specific traits/skills

Foundations for the Future Plans          
April 22 – “Creative Family” –  church-wide baby shower for A Woman's Place
April 23 – church-wide daily prayer emphasis
April 27 – church-wide Friday fast 
April 29 - FFF offering in Sunday am services

Key areas of training:
         “inner man”
         faith training
         servant hearted
         church life – body life

Training’s result
         “filled with the fullness of God”
         see a God “who is able”
         participate in a church as the glory of Christ

Sermon - April 22, 2012