Monday, March 5, 2012

Pastor's Pick for March

The Pastor's Pick for March is Why Jesus?: Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality by Ravi Zacharias. Ravi Zacharias believes that over the past forty years movements like New Age spirituality and society's obsession with human potential have combined like a "perfect storm" to redefine for popular culture what has been for centuries the classic biblical definition of the person, work, and teaching of Jesus Christ. In Why Jesus, Ravi Zacharias looks at the impact of this "storm."

Spiritual Gifts bookstore will have these books available for purchase during March. Their telephone number is 605-1775. They have been gracious, once again, in agreeing to handling the books for us and making them available at a discount to our members. Don't forget to let them know you are an FBC member and you are purchasing the book as a Pastor's Pick.

I look forward to our next discussion on Sunday, April 1st.

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