Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday Lifegroup for Childrens and Students Leaders

I am excited for the opportunity to invest in the most strategic group in FBC - those who invest in our most precious and important group in our children. The core of our ministry strategy as a bedroom community church is to minister to families. We have been incredibly successful in doing this by reaching children and student and then  supporting their families.

Based on this FBC strategy, the most important leaders in our church are those who make our Children and Student ministries strong and vital. Moreover, the most fun and rewarding ministry in church is working with these groups as well. Are you kidding me - how fun do you think it was to do WOP WOP with our kids?

Since these are both the most strategic and most rewarding areas of service, we want to strive continually to make serving in these areas a blessing. Thus my decision to alter my Wednesday schedule in order to lead a Lifegroup for you. Here are some easy FAQs to learn more about this Lifergoup:

Why Wednesday?
Because we already have child and student ministry programming in place so those teacshers with kids can be insured that the kid are taken care of. Also Wednesday nights should not add another time slot to your already busy schedule. Finally, Wednesday nights works on a 1 1/2 hour schedule. That measn there is plenty of time to fellowship, pray, share, learn, and wahtever else we may want to do. We will not be rushed.

Are all Sunday workers required to go?
Absolutely not. I am making this ministry available to you. As part of our discipleship LIFE strategy, we want everyone to fully enjoy BODY LIFE. That means you have the chance to be committeed to corporate worship, a Lifegroup, and a ministry. Some areas you can "kill 2 birds with one stone" - i.e. choir, instrumental music. Some service areas have Lifegroups available at other times as well, such as Sunday evenings. Many of our teachers however do not have another option available. Our staff wants to insure we have sufficient offerings so everyone can participate and enjoy the blessings of a full BODY LIFE. Pastor Drew and Pastor Ron have worked with me to make this Wednesday night Lifegroup a reality for you.

Can new workers come?
Absolutely. In fact, engaging some new workers is one, but not all, of the many reasons this Lifegroup makes sense. Hopefully, this ministry will remove a significant barrier that has been holding some folks back from serving - a full BODY LIFE experience.

Will it 1 1/2 hour of preaching?
I certainly hope not! If it is, then it wasn't me preaching. This is a Lifegroup. We are going to do LIFE together. We are going to enjoy fellowship with each other. Making connections and building relationships will be key. We will enjoy eachother and pray together. We will study together, but with the goal of feeding you. If you only giveout and are never encouraged, fed, and ministered to then you will only burn out. We will have a time of study designed to give back to you, feed you, and mentor you.

Is there a curriculum?
i will begin using the same materials we use in other Lifegroups, including the First Look daily devotionals. But like all of our Lifegroups, we will not be wedded to that material. We give all of our adult Lifegroup leaders that freedom and encouragement to know their group and feeed them as they need to be fed. As we begin getting to know one another, I will adjust our study time to minister to our Lifegroup.

Why You? Are you too busy to really be a true Lifegroup leader? 
BODY LIFE applies to all of us, including me. I am genuinely looking forward to being in this group. Moreover, I have been a Lifegroup (or Sunday School) leader since I was 18. I know what is required and whatI must provide. I also know what I would like to have in the way of relationships and connections as well. We willbe a full service Lifegroup - and I hope a model one for the rest of FBC. I am teaching this one because I want to and because I am interested in this group of folks. Besides, most of our other Lifegroup teachers have full-time jobs and then minister to their Lifegroup. I will not be doing anything any differently than they are.       

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