Friday, December 14, 2012

Revitalizing to reach North America

I wanted to share with you this article from Kevin Ezell, President, NAMB entitled "Revitalizing to reach North America", Winter 2013 issue.

"We have a big job ahead of us as Southern Baptists. Maybe this is hard to believe, but there are places in North America that have no evangelical presence. There are places where Southern Baptist work is so scarce as to be non-existent. Do you think it's possible to find someone in the United States or Canada who has never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ? This reality is more common than you think.

This task is big, but many of our churches are not prepared. The number of  churches that have plateaued or are declining in growth is around 70 percent. That tells us these churches probably are not having much of an impact on their communities.

We lost nearly 900 churches every year. You probably could name some in your community that have become statistics, and you may have seen it coming for a long time in your own church not knowing what to do.

I firmly believe there is something we can do to reverse these trends and to see fewer and fewer churches drift toward closing their doors. Just as Send North America is a strategy for linking existing churches with church planting efforts, it's also a strategy to help existing churches that are on the brink of death re-launch with new life.

Visit to see how we are ramping up efforts through Send North America to help reduce the number of SBC churches that close their doors every year.

By partnerting with pastor Johnny Hunt and state convention leaders, we are creating a framework that helps Southern Baptist do what they do best - join together for kingdom expansion. If we're going to see God work through us in the unreached area of North America, we first need a majority of Southen Baptist churches that can carry out the work He has called us to do.

And I truly believe this is our opportunity to see that future ministry is built on a solid foundation of healty, growing, sending, giving and going churches."

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