Wednesday, January 9, 2013

X Factor Exercise Follow Thru

In Sunday’s sermon, entitled “The X Factor”, we learned that we are commanded to “Exercise yourself towards godliness”. As we exercise our physical bodies to increase our physical health and strength, in 1Timothy we are challenged, as believers, to exercise our spiritual bodies in order to increase our spiritual health and effectiveness. As a way to apply the teaching “exercise towards godliness” Pastor Greg challenged us this week to follow thru with the “X Factor Process”. Using an index card as a record we were asked to:

1) Assess our current spiritual condition in order to identify areas for growth.
2) Develop a goal (s) to identify what you want to achieve thru exercise.
3) List activities (exercises) to help you grow, develop and achieve your goal.
4) Commit time throughout the week to work on your exercises.

The desired result of the “X Factor Process” is the creation of habits and behaviors that grow you spiritually towards the godliness Paul takes about in 1 Timothy.

Here’s how it can work using one of the 100 for 100 focus areas as suggested by Pastor Greg.

Consider Serving. As a result of your spiritual condition “assessment” you realize that you need to find a place of ministry service in our church. You set a worth “goal” that you are going to volunteer in one of our many ministries within 4 weeks. To “exercise” towards achieving your goal, you decide that you will:

1) Pray about a place to serve
2) Read verses in the bible about serving in the body of Christ
3) Talk with several ministers to identify needs/opportunities in their specific areas; the giftedness need to serve in that position. Perhaps even spend a few weeks “trying on” the ministry to see if it is a fit. Once you have locked in on a ministry area, you make the commitment and join the team making necessary adjustments to be a faith, dependable ministry volunteer.

Or, consider the 100 for 100 focus “Going”. During your “assessment” you realize that you need to be personally involved in going on a mission trip. You set a “goal” of participating in one of the mission trips scheduled in 2013.To “exercise” towards achieving that goal you plan to:

1) Pray about your involvement in a trip
2) You study verses that speak of God’s heart for missions
3) You talk with Pastor Dick about the opportunities available
4) You talk with people who have been on mission trips. You talk with the leaders of the different trip that might interest you and fit your unique giftedness
5) You decide on a specific trip and make your commitment
6) In addition you commit to attend all orientation and team meetings in preparation for the trip and,
7) You GO!

Get the idea about the process???

So, let’s bring it home….have you filled out your index card? Have you been exercising this week? Been “ticking-off the days on your card? Are you engaged in the “X Factor Process”? It’s not too late!

Written by Pastor Greg Hooper

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